Keep Your Trust In Trusted Hands!

We assure our customers of premium electrical service at Preserve Electricians. And unlike most workshops, we uphold our promise to offer you convenient, safe, and quick solutions. Our electrical shop passes as a 24 hour electrician, since we're readily available for work at any hour of the day. Ring us for reliable emergency electrician service when you have to restore power or repair appliances quickly.

Business Hours

This electrical workshop is available for service at any hour of the day. Call us whenever.


Our Services

Our electricians are multi-talented, industrious, and have proven their worth in various situations. The projects we undertake include electrical wiring, electrical panel installation, power restoration, circuit breaker installation, light switch repair, and outlet repair. Our men also see to chandelier installation, ceiling fan installation, light fixture installation, cabinet light installation, recessed lighting installation, pendant lighting installation, and post light installation.

Year Established: 2010

Service Area

Our licensed electrical contractor service is headquartered in Garden Grove, supplying full-time electrical service across Orange County.